Recessed Lighting vs Surface-Mounted Fixtures

April 19, 2022

Do you want to upgrade your lighting system but are unsure whether to choose recessed lighting or surface-mounted fixtures? Don't worry, Flare Compare Team is here to help you make an informed decision. In this blog post, we'll compare the two lighting options and provide you with the necessary facts and figures to make the right choice for your space.

Pros and Cons

Let's start with the pros and cons of recessed lighting and surface-mounted fixtures.

Recessed Lighting


  • Provides a sleek and modern look
  • Does not take up visual space
  • Can be used to highlight certain areas of the room
  • Easy to clean


  • Installation can be tricky and may require professional help
  • Lack of flexibility once installed
  • Light may not be evenly distributed if not installed correctly

Surface-Mounted Fixtures


  • Easy to install
  • Wide range of styles and designs
  • Can be moved around to change the lighting in a room
  • Even distribution of light


  • Takes up visual space
  • Can be difficult to clean
  • May not provide a sleek and modern look


Brightness is another important factor to consider when choosing between recessed lighting and surface-mounted fixtures. Let's compare their brightness level and what each lighting option is best suited for.

Recessed Lighting:

Recessed lighting can create a more focused beam of light, which is perfect for highlighting specific areas of a room or creating an ambiance. They are commonly used for task lighting in the kitchen, a home theater, or an art display.

Surface-Mounted Fixtures:

Surface-mounted fixtures generally provide a more even distribution of light, which makes them ideal for illuminating a larger area of the room. They also come in a wide range of styles and designs to match any type of decor, making them ideal for use in living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is becoming more critical today than ever, and it is one of the factors people consider when selecting lighting options. Let's look at the energy efficiency of both recessed lighting and surface-mounted fixtures.

Recessed Lighting:

Recessed lighting is more energy-efficient than surface-mounted fixtures as they use less wattage to produce the same amount of light. However, the energy efficiency may vary depending on the bulb type used and the quality of installation.

Surface-Mounted Fixtures:

Surface-mounted fixtures generally require more wattage to produce the same amount of light compared to recessed lighting. However, they come in a wide range of energy-efficient designs and high-quality LED lightbulbs that can achieve optimal energy efficiency.


Choosing between recessed lighting and surface-mounted fixtures mostly depends on personal preference and lighting needs. While each option has its benefits and drawbacks, it's essential to consider the pros and cons, brightness, and energy efficiency to make the best decision for your space.

Remember, lighting is crucial for creating the ambiance of your room, so take your time, and don't be afraid to experiment. The right lighting can make a huge difference.


  1. Recessed Lighting vs. Surface-Mount Lighting - Which One Is Right For You?
  2. The Pros and Cons of Recessed Lighting and Surface-Mount Fixtures

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